My puppy chews! What do I do? And more!

My puppy chews! What do I do? And more!

I’ll give you some dog training tips on unwanted dog chewing, teaching 2 dogs at once, offer some insight on getting your dog’s attention when distracted, thoughts on teaching dogs words and phrases, understanding your dog’s energy level and more with the cutest puppy ever!

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So we’re just hanging out here after Shoot right now you can see the team is Doing your thing overview dividual beers Take thanks I’m drinking beer honestly We just wrapped up a shoot with Roo he’s Amazing you want to see him come here we Shot a video with rule about the Importance of rewarding with toys I Think you guys are gonna like that one a Lot especially if you have puppies Because with puppies it’s so important To really get them engaged with play Especially when they’re young and They’re really by D so that can be a lot Of fun it’s that video that we made I’m Very excited about because I’ve been Wanting to make it for a long time it’s About service dogs and the difference Between service dogs and therapy dogs And emotional support animals who work So hard today roof he did so much Fetching and so much playing that I Think he is completely worn out now I Love my job it’s wonderful when you’re Teaching a dog it’s important to Exercise them of course but that mental Simulation is extra critical for dogs Because let me think how you feel after You’ve studied for a test for a long Time you can satisfy a dog mentally and Physically just by doing basic obedience Training with them – you look really Good with that painting back there supa Let me painted this portrait of my dog

Alpha Centauri behind us by the way you Can check out our Facebook page I’ll Have a link in the description but we’re Talking some of the most amazing art I Have ever seen she’s incredible if you Look at the eye of Alpha Centauri in That you can see the reflection of me Taking the picture and that’s all Captured there’s Zach right there taking The picture and there’s me standing next To him let’s answer some questions more Recent videos okay oh that’s how you do That yeah I just teach you something About YouTube yes he’s so cute so much Great information in less than five Minutes you’re the best second I love Your videos that’s from cinnamon girl 62 We tried really to be concise and be Very conscious of your time when we’re Making our videos make sure you get the Information you want in an efficient Interesting and hopefully entertaining Way say hi to the camera Hi camera hi he’s still sleeping even The dog looked bored when he started Talking about sponsors I’m nothing to Say to you no I’m just kidding but in All seriousness though I’m really Excited when we have a lot of great Sponsors because they make it possible For us really do what we want to do and To think outside the box and try some Experiments and to be able to hire People and to do all that stuff so

Sponsors are really great for the dog Training revolution we do go out of our Way to try and make the sponsor spots Somewhat interesting either we do we try That was an interesting squeak Megan Mahoney says by far the best dog in YouTube channel thank you so much you’re So helpful you were very welcome Megan Here’s a question from little done Mayer What’s the best way to stop a dog from Chewing things that he’s not meant to He’s shooting my parents bed and the Sofa well you know that really just Comes down to controlling your dog’s Environment and making sure they don’t Have access to those things in the Beginning because you want to prevent Those habits from getting established in The first place so that’s step one Secondly make sure your dog has an Outlet for chewing proper things that They’re allowed to chew one of my Favorite things to give dogs are natural But safe bones that you can get at many Pet supply stores and pet flow who’s not Sponsoring this video but that’s where You should get all your pet supplies From and if you have an older dog that’s Shoeing a lot exercise is likely to help A lot if they’re chewing because they’re Bored I’m so distracted right now Because this is the cutest thing that’s Ever happened to me it’s like so asleep Look watch look at this do a service dog

Video oh wow we just did by any chance Can you make a video about how to be Prepared for a puppy we definitely made That video Olivia cool gamer said that her dog Cries at other dogs outside well it’s Hard to know exactly what to tell you There Olivia without a little bit more Context but dogs generally like to Interact with each other and go and Check each other out if you’re trying to Get your dog under control around Another dog there’s no shortcut to that Except for practice and really making Sure that your dog knows how to pay Attention to you when you ask them to do Something so I have lots of videos on Teaching your dog how to listen to In distracting situations you guys want To see some puppy feet aren’t they cute You can see that Zach and I have Different priorities karma around the Veranda said she wants to know how to Teach her dog the same request in Separate languages that’s a good idea For a video but I suppose it’s not much Different than really just teaching dogs Say the difference between drop it and Let go you know and dogs are capable of Understanding the same or different Phrases for the same action so it’s just A matter of working with your dog I Think you have enough information to get There shark the zero game or boy we have

So many gamers on this channel asks how Do I know my dog’s energy level I think That’s a really good question so I talk About that in my book right here so Level one dog is typically a dog that’s Very low key you can’t really get them There like this but all the time you Know what I mean a level two dog is a Dog that can be like this sometimes but Can also get peppy and play with you and Then real yes exactly Roo would be a Good example of a level two dog though It may not look like it right now a Level three dog is a dog that’s just Always on and they just really like to Play it of course you know most dogs are Gonna fall somewhere in between you can Have a level one point five or two point Six dog but understanding energy level Is really really important so great Question baby love basically is asking Zach I know that you recommend training Dogs separately before integrating them And then asking them to listen to you When it’s once together because it’s Really distracting if you’re trying to Train two dogs at once and you’re not Really gonna get anywhere if you try to Do that so it’s important to have each Dog really well behaved and we’ll try Well trained around distractions and Things like that before you start Integrating your dogs and asking them to Listen to you together so how do you do

That well it’s important to have a Really reliable down-stay so with my own Dogs for example when they were younger I would have one dog hold their Down-stay while I work with the other Dog and since that down stay on the Older dog for example is so reliable Then I don’t have to worry about that Dog getting up and interfering with the Training session and saying hey what About me your dog who’s holding their Down stay does get up just escort them Back have them stay waste 25-second for Videos for dogs who live in apartments Because you know some things are Different like house training them and Like that you guys tell me in the Comments below do you want to see more Videos like that we’ll consider it but In general my advice would be you know It’s not that different you may have to Go to a public park to work with them to Give them some outdoor training or do Some distraction training on sidewalks I Think you can really adapt a lot of the Advice that we give you if you do live In a more urban setting but as you see In our training videos we do training in A really contained area you know right Here and in a small backyard so it’s not That different but I do understand there Are some more nuanced things when you do Live an apartment that can make training Challenging so I think maybe we’ll

Consider that click thumbs up if you Enjoy today’s video subscribe to my Channel and we’ll see you guys in the Next video Good job rune

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