NEW PUPPY SURVIVAL GUIDE: How to EASILY STOP These 4 Puppy Problems NOW! (Ep 6)

NEW PUPPY SURVIVAL GUIDE: How to EASILY STOP These 4 Puppy Problems NOW! (Ep 6)

Stop problem behaviors like jumping, resource guarding, separation anxiety and chewing! This video is sponsored by BARK! For a free extra month of BarkBox or Super Chewer box go here: BarkBox: Super Chewer box:

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That is reality dog training at its Finest We need to make sure that destructive Chewing does not become a permanent Thing I’m zach george i’m a dog trainer meet My new project Kona i’ve got just three weeks to train Her and set her up for the most Well-behaved life possible that means i Need to work on the most common puppy Issues like potty training how to Actually pay attention Stopping things like play biting chewing Separation anxiety Getting along with other animals leash Walking and teaching her Everything a good dog needs to know real Dog training doesn’t always go smoothly And that’s why i’m going to show you Every success and mistake and how i work Through all the most Challenging parts of raising a new puppy Welcome to your new puppy Survival guide We’ve still got a lot of puppy problems To work on with this girl kona But making sure that our dogs are having A great time is a huge part of training If they feel good They listen good i understand it’s a Super chewer box kona But they don’t literally mean super chew The box

It does say let’s chew it though so i Guess i can’t blame her We’ve got our bark box and we’ve got our Super chewer box Which dog will like which super chewer Is cool because it has those Really tough toys in it for dogs that Are really hard on toys believe it or Not Kind of like kona the theme this month Is home alone You definitely need help with that this Texture is Extremely tough but it has just enough Give to keep many dogs interested and Look at that looks like you can put Treats on the inside So that they’re a little tough to get at Keeping your dog’s interest It’s a gold tooth you guys that’s funny It squeaks but you gotta step on it That’s how tough This toy is i mean that is solid There you go i knew she was gonna love That one we also have some amazing Treats Let’s see what’s in the original bark Box How many different dog toys can you make From home alone i mean it’s brilliant Inertia loves plush toys like this but Look at the detail i mean these are Some of the best quality dog toys you Will ever find

We have the barkbox version of the ok Plumbing and heating van All of you are going to get a free bark Box by going to my special link Dog training or dog Training link below Okay we got some puppy training to do I’ve only got two more weeks with kona So i think it’s time that we kick it Into gear Let’s talk about destructive chewing i Mean this is something that Virtually everyone with a new puppy like Kona has to deal with Last night when i was out of the room Kona was hanging out with my wife And i’ll let you guys see what happened It wasn’t good sitting here working on This footage Zach has gone upstairs just to take a Quick break and i heard Inertia making a little noise like hey Mom you might want to pay attention to What’s happening And then i looked over and i saw this One What were you doing Do you want to show me yup Do you know that you can’t chew on shoes Especially zach’s Shoes do you know how much he likes them Yes inertia you distract her from that Shoe you know your daddy loves his shoes

Good job I’ll deal with you later you guys know i Love my shoes Speaking of which what do you think of These this is a crispy New pair of air force ones atlanta Edition Representing the hometown i put these on Today for some extra motivation to make Sure that she Doesn’t chew my shoes anyway we need to Make sure that destructive chewing does Not become a permanent thing With kona preventing destructive chewing Comes down to really managing your dog And make sure they don’t have access to Things like your couch cushion or Furniture legs or Your shoes it’s also important that you Prevent Roaming around the house like this so Do as i say not as i do that’s why we Have this Present right here so this is a 10 foot Leash it gives her a lot of room See this is why you don’t do that My bad all right that is our first potty Accident in three days Or at least two two or three days they Always happen while we’re shooting and Why Uh because we get distracted and forget To let them out yup Oh boy

Yep that is reality dog training at its Finest Okay i’ve had her on leash for a second I’m gonna take the leash off now because I’m going to give her my undivided Attention As she deserves and we’re going to work On teaching her to leave shoes alone Specifically It’s also a really great way to practice A real life leave it or Something leading up to a real life Leave it because you don’t just want to Practice leave it with Teaching your dog to leave a treat alone All the time they need to learn how to Leave a Shoe alone all the time ideally you Don’t wait for your dog to start chewing A shoe It’s ideal to be a step ahead of them so Sit You want she likes lie down i’m gonna Encourage her to go into that down and We’ll do Leave it look at me here Good job and so this isn’t exactly Teaching her not to chew but it is Saying hey this is an item That i like to maintain control of and Dictate how you behave around so Let’s have a zoomed in lesson here leave It alone Here yes i know kona can do a little bit

Better than this so let me take a step Back here and get her more warmed up by Leaving a treat alone Leave it leave it Yes good job hey what’s this Yes and let’s give it a little motion Make it exciting it’s a Really good way to practice impulse Control you Kona leave it all right so Good job so while it’s obviously Important to prevent unwanted chewing as Much as possible it’s also really good To be proactive about it And show them hey look here’s something That i want you to leave alone on a Regular basis Hey kona this is the last shoe you’re Ever gonna chew right I think she’s looking for the other one Kona it’s time to feed kona And it’s also time to get this jumping Under control kona is not going to be a Small dog Kona is probably going to be about 65 or More pounds full grown so you can see How If jumping gets out of control that’s Going to be an issue so kona gets really Excited at meal time She loves to eat but this is one of the Best times to really show your dog How to have manners and to behave Acceptably so the bottom line here is

That you want your dog doing something Completely incompatible with jumping In this case it’s having all four feet On the ground Good girl then encouraging her to stay There Now just to be really extra clear with Our communication we’ll go ahead and say Okay go on And let her know that she can now get up And proceed there And i admit sometimes it can be Difficult to remember to Stop and think and ask your dog to do Something incompatible with jumping Because Puppies are really good at seeking Attention this is a great way to get at Least five minutes worth of training in Before you give them their meal it’ll go A long way towards teaching them Really practical skills this is a great Way to use a portion of their meal Or their entire meal as a reward good Girl yes So i’m just gonna have her sit there but When she jumps There is a consequence here she’s not Getting her food so i’m gonna wait for Her to try to figure that out Organically We’ll see if she does now if i wanted to I could switch gears and we could teach Her how to put paws up like this

Which is great for pictures but we’ll Save that Yes good right now i’m just looking for Calm behavior and as long as she’s Holding that position i can give her A piece of her food at first In rapid succession over time Adding more time between the intervals Of giving her food Yes good so this is one way that you can Really start to address Unwanted jumping by waiting it out she Already knows sit she knows down Because we’ve been working on those Things so she has figured out when i do Those things I tend to get what i want yes another Amazing thing to practice at meal time Is preventing resource guarding Resource guarding is basically where a Dog attempts to protect Something they value in a way that we Don’t find acceptable Usually in the form of snapping or Biting us so far just simply the act of Hand feeding kona like this has been Going a long way Towards preventing resource guarding and That’s to really teach her this basic Concept of hey when people are around Very often they’re giving her food right Out of their hands Even with her food bowl nearby see kona Is the type of eater that when she goes

To eat she inhales her food i mean she Would be through this In less than eight seconds if i just put This down So she’s getting a little impatient here Sit Good girl nice work another great thing To do is to add something they love Even more than their meal to ingrain This concept that when people come up Sometimes they get something even better Than what they already have So let’s see what happens here i’m gonna Let me just get her attention on that Letting her know this is good Here let’s see hey coda what’s this What’s this Good you might want to consider using a Good dog treat or you might want to let Them know you’ve got some real meat I had to really throw a good bit of meat Out there and so i wanted to be able to Take it away there And then also give it right back to her So she learns hey What’s up sometimes i take it away Sometimes i give it to you sometimes you Even get something really good like Real meat or a great treat Now we’re flowing now i wonder if we’ve Discovered something here it kind of Worked out that she spilled her food Because it’s Kind of stalling her out and taking more

Time for her to Look for the food so it’s making the Exercise quite easier It’s interesting i mean this is Obviously her first time doing this Exercise but i’m confident that if we Repeated this Over and over i really feel confident That she would really understand the Concept of okay I’ll let you take my food i’ll wait for You to give it back and do remember if At any point your dog shows that they’re Becoming more protective of something Focus On taking a step back and de-escalating The situation And make them feel more at ease by Offering something that’s more valuable Than the thing they’re guarding i Actually walked through that example and Many others in my book guide to a Well-behaved dog if you’d like having a Written guide i’ll have a link in the Description Now in general we’ve had a really strong Emphasis On managing her to make sure she doesn’t Chew things I’ve also been giving her various chews Like we have these tendons right here This is a beef stick from our super Chewer box right here She loves these and she’ll just go to

Town on them It’s also really a good way to get her To go in her crate voluntarily And spend some time so i mean look at This i can’t well okay She’s gotten away that didn’t go as Planned in the event she snaps i don’t Want to create an Instance of that so we’ll trick her There and give her a treat And i got it back how about that but Anyway you can use a chew Like this see how she’s just going in There she’s like whoa when i go in there I get my chew Perfect so i’m gonna toss it back there Let her go check it out you can see that I can easily close it there and she’s Content So not only does this give her her Satisfaction and her outlet to choose Something it also Creates a pleasant association with Being in the crate Don’t underestimate the power of quality Chews For a teething puppy i mean say your dog Is chewing Something right here and for whatever Reason you want to be able to go and Take it away Rather than risk triggering a puppy by Taking something away because it’s a Really natural thing for a puppy to want

To protect what they have Giving them something of value and Distracting them while you pick it up is A really good way To safely get it away from them and then Look i’m gonna give it right back to her She realizes retrospectively you took it But you still gave it back Good girl yes nice job Let me update you on her separation Anxiety that has been by far Her biggest issue that we’ve been trying To make progress on But last night we finally did it i was Able to get about seven hours sleep Which i will take that’s great She got up pretty early but i was happy That she slept for so long so it was Actually night Six longer than i expected i thought i Would have been able to get there by Night three So that just goes to show every dog is Different it’s impossible to completely Predict but the bottom line is that it Has been steadily trending in that Direction i don’t know that we’re Completely out of the woods yet of Course So we’ll see how it goes tonight but i Have my fingers crossed i feel like it’s Probably gonna go well but i’ve been Wrong before so we’ll find out So let me go over with you what i’ve

Been doing to make sure that her Separation anxiety is Put into check and that she’s really Comfortable at all times well As close to all times as possible so During the day she’ll have plenty of Play sessions like this with inertia We’ll do some miscellaneous training Some vets training things that really Get her Satisfied mentally and physically and Then when i can tell she’s tired and When she kind of goes into that Natural settle i’ll make sure that she Takes all of her naps at this point In the crate so that allows her to get Plenty of experience being in the crate While being in a relaxed state So it really comes down to optimizing The amount of time that your dog is in The crate At their most content so in other words If you can get Like an hour here or two hours there Where they’re taking an extended nap During the middle of the day And they’re spending it in the crate They’re much more likely to be accepting Of it So far either brie or me has been home With kona At all times but what we have been doing Is Leaving her alone for very tiny periods

Of time actually maybe it’s to check the Mail or Leave the room for whatever reason for a Second and so she’s been starting to do Better because at first it was like hey The second you walk out she’s like Don’t go don’t go and now she’s like all Right i guess i can deal with you being Gone for a few minutes So we’ve been making a lot of progress There as well and this i think is really Going to help Ease her into being alone and being a Lot more comfortable while being alone So we’re going to see how she does Tonight i feel like if i can get like Three good nights in a row I might be optimistic but that’s what I’m hoping for And while i want to continue to have Kona spending time in her crate Especially when she’s in that relaxed Frame of mind Ultimately i also want to look for Opportunities to give her experiences Outside of the crate while relaxing and Being good she just went into this Beautiful Natural settle outside of her crate this Is ultimately where we want our dogs to Behave And i’m working up to being able to take Her leash off here But we have been giving her some freedom

To walk around under really strict Supervision But since we had to have a business Meeting right now We decided to put her on leash and let Her zone out It’s working this is more of what a real World Beginner settle looks like with a puppy This is what you’re striving for this is A beautiful Behavior to bring about upon request With your dog you can imagine why Especially if they’re energetic curious And hyperactive She’s had plenty of training and Exercise today so i know she must be in A very good place right now i think she Must be satisfied It’s been at least 30 minutes now let’s See what happens if we uh take the leash Off And there we have it an actual authentic Off-leash settle these are the things That we dog trainers get really excited About okay even if she doesn’t Technically realize she’s off leash Right now I’m still gonna call this a victory so We’re gonna do one more Potty break we’re about to go to bed Good girl Nice job girl she’s Really good about going pee like the

Moment you let her out So that’s good okay guys come on let’s Go Coda there she goes all right time for Bed guys It is time to put her to bed right now She’s chilling She’s quiet i want to give you a shot of Her just so you can see Hopefully i don’t upset her too much to Where she’s like oh gosh I just realized you’re going to bed all Right so you can see i’ve got Verbo camera set up right there so i can Easily monitor her Relax settle Good job girl okay Good night fingers crossed she does well Tonight Can we get two nights in a row I’m gonna go upstairs and uh We’ll see how she does so far she’s Being so good All right i’ve made it to the top of the Stairs now Still quiet this is good this is a big Moment we’ve been working hard for this I think we might be good for the night i Don’t know it’s too early Okay i thought we were gonna make it but Kona was a good girl she was a little Whiny a little while ago i think she may Have to go pee so we’re gonna give her The benefit of the doubt

Okay Well let’s go let’s go It’s about uh 1am in the morning Good girl she looks like she had to go [Music] Looks like she also wanted some water All right I’m gonna probably wait for her to relax Okay she seems quiet just making sure Okay now i’m going to try to make it Upstairs again 6 33 a.m And Looks like she’s sorry she’s had a Pretty good night We’re gonna let her out to the potty Well good morning i think that kona did A great job last night i mean she had The one episode where she’s like You know i want to go out or i want to Drink some water so That’s the give and take you have to Make those judgment calls um But much much improved so Very proud of her she’s learning how to Be alone she’s learning how to be More independent and those are great Skills for A new dog to acquire get a free super Chewer box or Bark box or both when you sign up for a 6 or 12 month subscription I’ll have the links below follow us on Instagram facebook and tick tock and get

A copy of my book Guide to a well-behaved dog for all of My advice in one Easy place we’re nearly a third of the Way through kona’s three weeks and it’s Time to take things to the next level i Can’t wait to see all of you in episode 7. You

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