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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:
Overpopulation in Domestic Pets:
Pet Ownership Statistics:
Animal Shelter Euthanasia:
Shelter Intake and Surrender Pet Statistics:
Effect of Gonadectomy on Subsequent Development of Age-Related Cognitive Impairment in Dogs:
Determining the Optimal Age for Gonadectomy of Dogs and Cats:
Early Spay-Neuter Considerations for the Canine Athlete:
The Plot Thickens: Spay Neuter Effects & the Health of Our Dogs:
Are There Behavior Changes When Dogs Are Spayed or Neutered?
Does Spaying or Neutering Your Pet Really Improve Behavior?:
Effects of Castration on Problem Behaviors in Male Dogs with Reference to Age and Duration of Behavior:
Effects of Ovariohysterectomy on Reactivity in German Shepherd Dogs:
Why Spay and Neuter?
Why the Latest Studies Haven’t Changed Spay and Neuter Recommendations:
The Truth About Spaying and Neutering by Dr. Karen Becker:
Dangers of Early Pet Spaying or Neutering:
Myths and Facts About Spaying and Neutering:
Hi I’m Zack remember me I’m the guy who Gives you treats sometimes this episode Is sponsored by pet flow do you know That pet flow donates a bowl of food to A homeless pet for every single order That they ship and they do this while Making your life way more convenient by Saving you dozens of trips to the store Every year change the way you buy your Pets food go to Peplow comm slash sac Gorge that links gonna be below choose Your favorite brand of food and tell Peploe how often you want it delivered That’s all there is to it And you’ll save $10 off your first three Orders when you enter code Zack 30 to Checkout click thumbs up for Rex and Dogs everywhere make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel too and get a Copy of my best-selling book dog Training revolution today’s video isn’t Quite as clear-cut as you might think See neutering is the process of removing All or part of a dog’s reproductive Organs so that they can’t reproduce the Term neuter actually applies to both Sexes while the term spay that applies To females and castrate two males Neutering is the most common form of Sexual sterilization for animals now the Question of whether or when to neuter a Dog well it’s gotten a lot more Complicated than it used to be there’s No question that there’s a huge
Overpopulation problem with pets here in The United States and in other places Around the world and here in America at Least about half of dogs that enter Shelters are euthanized neutering dogs Is one way to guarantee that any Individual dog won’t contribute to this Problem and for that reason it makes Sense for shelters to neuter dogs who Are being adopted out to unknown Families with unknown levels of Responsibility for the overall welfare Of more dogs everywhere let’s be clear This is not a dog problem this is very Much a people problem it’s our Responsibility to make sure that our Dogs are not roaming and having Unplanned litters the only people who Should be breathing dogs are qualified Responsible and ethical breeders from a Health perspective though there’s still A lot we need to learn about both the Positive and the negative effects of Neutering your dog the thing is the Science is far from nailed down on how Neutering is going to affect dogs in the Long run but if you already have your Pet and you’re trying to decide whether Or when to neuter them at all more data Is pointing to the fact that it might be Better to wait until they reach physical Maturity many studies have been Attempted to look at the health risks And benefits of neutering a dog and so
Far it looks like Both risks and benefits to consider so Think about it when you’re neutering a Dog you’re removing an entire organ now Most organs serve more than one function So in the case of these reproductive Organs they secrete hormones among other Things So while disabling the ability for a dog To reproduce we could also be disrupting Other biological processes neutering Dogs appears to reduce or completely Eliminate the risk for many diseases Including some cancers and infections Which could be fatal for example since The uterus and ovaries are removed in a Traditional space spayed females are not At risk for pyometra A common life-threatening infection of The uterus or uterine or ovarian cancers Similarly neutered males are prevented From ever developing testicular cancer Because well they don’t have testicles However other studies from the Journal Of the American Veterinary Medical Association have linked neutering with Increased risk of other types of cancers And diseases including bone and blood Vessel cancers ligament injuries hip Dysplasia and cognitive impairments Neutering does seem to help the Overpopulation problem that we have but It may or may not have long-term health Effects on individual dogs it seems that
All of this research is pointing out how Much we actually don’t know about this Topic more than what we do know so how Does neutering affect your dog Behaviorally speaking I mean does it Calm them down keep them from running Away or help with potty accidents from The behavior perspective results so far Are ambiguous on both sides of the fence When it comes to behavior changes after Neutering the way a dog behaves as a Combination of their genetics their Overall life experience and their Environment and while neutering does Seem to affect some behaviors Specifically those related to sex there Is nothing to suggest that it will Dramatically change their overall Personality or behavior neutering is not A magic answer if you want to resolve Behavioral issues you’re gonna have to Really focus on training that said a Study from the UC Davis Veterinary Medical teaching hospital found that After being neutered many male dogs show Reduction in roaming marking and Mounting behavior specifically but Neutering your dog in and of itself Isn’t going to keep your dog from Running away or having accidents in the House it’s up to you to teach that even If you were to notice that your dog did Seem more calm after being neutered There are other factors that contribute
Far more greatly to a dog behaving more Calmly and acceptable Eve like learning What’s expected of them maturing and Having More life experience overall it’s Important to remember that most of these Behavior and medical studies are done on Household pets who have countless other Factors in their lives not the least of Which our lifestyle diet and their Individual genetics and those could Contribute to both medical and Behavioral changes whether or not a dog Is neutered studies about neutering dogs Really need to be improved before we can Begin to understand their long-term Effects in more detail most of these Studies to have small sample sizes which Could lead to statistically significant Results where there aren’t any with a Broad population of dogs the way they Calculate the results is often subject To a built-in selection bias of course One of the huge benefits to having a dog That’s neutered is it’s easier to Participate socially with your dog at Places like dog parks or doggy daycares Or playgroups because there’s still so Much to learn about the long-term Effects it’s important that you do your Own research talk to veterinary Professionals you trust and draw your Own conclusions about the best time if Any to neuter your dog understand though
If you decide not to neuter your dog You’re also making the commitment that Your dog is not going to be part of the Huge pet overpopulation problem we have That’s a huge commitment this is an Issue that so many people are really Passionate about and there are so many Things to consider but what do you think Tell me in the comments below click Thumbs up for Rex make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel pick up a copy Of my book thank you so much for patrons On patreon for supporting content like This and don’t forget to set up Automatic pet food delivery to make your Life easier and Rakow exact 30 when you Check out and you’ll get $10 off your First three orders at pet flow link will Be in the description thank you for Joining me today sir