Spending a Day with a Shelter Dog

Spending a Day with a Shelter Dog

PETFLOW’S *NEW* OFFER: Enter discount code ZAK30 at checkout to get $10 off your first THREE automatic shipments!!!

Fostering a dog for one day or a weekend or longer can have a very meaningful impact on the homeless dog population.

Wellness Pet Food has generously stepped up to help these pets in need by donating a bag of pet food or treats for every order shipped to these shelters, up to 10,000 lbs of pet food or treats!

If you want to make a donation to Animal Rescue New Orleans or Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter, please visit PetFlow

Use coupon code: DONATE2LA for 15% off your purchase (valid until midnight 10/8/16)

Use this as the shipping address:
Animal Rescue New Orleans
271 Plauche St.,
Jefferson, LA

The shelters will be accepting donations even after the coupon code expires.

This playlist will show you how to teach your dog the basics in order:

Buy the book here:

Today I’m gonna show you how having fun With a new dog can make a big difference Today is a really special video meet Mason he’s my guest from Jefferson Parish animal shelter click thumbs up And subscribe to my channel for all Things dog the shelter’s here in Louisiana have been impacted by historic Flooding New Orleans where I am has Actually been quite lucky in that we Haven’t had much flooding but our Shelters have been stressed by the surge In homeless dogs from surrounding areas Pet Flo and I have teamed up to see what We can do to keep the situation Improving and the donations have already Started coming in from pet flow and Wellness pet food let’s keep it going For a limited time if you want to help The homeless animals affected by the Flooding go to peplos select anything You want to donate for example Jefferson Parish animal shelter and animal rescue New Orleans are asking for food toys Beds bowls collars and cleaning supplies And errcode donate to LA and you’ll Receive 15% off of your purchase – plus Wellness pet food who makes fantastic Quality food will match your donation With food and treats this is a fantastic Way for you as one person to make a huge Impact on these dogs I’ve never seen This product from wellness before it’s Air dried food and so it’s like vacuum

Sealed you can tell it’s gonna be real Fresh when you open it for the first Several ingredients deboned chicken Debone turkey salmon chickpeas peas and I mean just so many great ingredients in Wellness food that’s why it’s a Fantastic food to get at this shelter They just took in 21 puppies from a Cruelty case so this is gonna go a long Way to helping those puppies Thank you wellness we’ve got thousands Of pounds of food here when you go to Order just use the shipping address in The description so that these shelters Get your donations as soon as possible Now let’s go have some fun with Mason do You realize that when you foster a dog You’re actually saving two lives the Life of the dog that you’re fostering And the dog who takes their place in the Shelter but maybe you’re not ready to Take on the longer commitment of Fostering a dog long-term so why not Take them out of the shelter for a day Or for a weekend and just have some fun With them there’s lots of advantages to Doing this too many shelters around the World will allow you to do a fun day out With dogs available for adoption by Doing this you’re getting to know more About them so you can relay that Information to the shelter and Contribute to their adoption bio amaze Just saw squirrel and he actually did

Pretty good around that distraction I Would anticipate that it’s probably Going to be relatively easy to get him To walk nicely on a leash see in the Shelter environment it’s hard to see a Dog’s real personality I mean it can be Stressful for many dogs and often times It’s difficult to meet their exercise Needs so you don’t really see the dogs True potential now there are countless Reasons that foster homes are needed you Can foster short-term likes a for a Weekend or longer-term maybe for a dog That has medical needs or maybe you just Want to foster a dog because you have Extra room in your home and in your Heart in a home environment or here in This beautiful park it’s a lot easier to Assess a dog and see what skills he Already knows and doesn’t know and what He needs to work with you can find out How a dog is with kids other dogs and Cats when its energy level is like and How much he loves feeding time and who Doesn’t love feeding time and you can Use social media to let all of your Friends know that you’re hanging out With a really cool dog and who knows I Mean maybe a friend or a friend of a Friend is looking for a really cool dog Just like the one you’re hanging out With fostering a dog for a day or longer Isn’t a lifetime commitment it’s a Commitment to make life better for one

Dog at a time go to Peplow and order any Items you want to be donated to the Shelters here in louisiana using code Donate to la you’ll get 15% off of that Purchase and wellness who makes great Quality pet food will match your Donation and pet flow will get it Delivered I hope you enjoyed the video Give a big thumbs up to head float – Well pepper providing all the wellness Products and cat food and everything and All the volunteers here who work and the Peplow customers you guys are the best Thing in the world thanks guys we’ll see You in the next video I really hope this Video helped open your mind towards Fostering a dog in the future and I just Can’t believe how much food and supplies You guys well pet and peploe have Contributed you did not disappoint if You’re serious about teaching your dog I’m including the most comprehensive Thorough set of dog training videos in The description this playlist and all of My video content is completely free also Pick up a copy of my book if you want to Have that extra guide available you can Get that at pet flow – just check the Links in the description and thanks Again guys we’ll see you next time

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