Teaching Venus to Drive! #fiestamovement

Teaching Venus to Drive! #fiestamovement

We were asked by Ford (a sponsor of ”Zak George’s Dog Training rEvolution”) to make a short, creative video highlighting the intelligent access ”MyKey” feature. We had a fun time making it! My wonderful girlfriend Bree was a huge part of this video and all of my other ones too! Thanks Bree! (45 sec.)


Venus now that i’ve taught you to drive It’s time to turn over the keys to the 2014 ford fiesta to you now of course Venus i’m sure that you will obey all Traffic laws and wear your seat belt at All times but since i’m your dad i want You to be safe i have programmed your Ford my key to make sure that you can’t Drive over 70 miles per hour and that You can’t play music unless your seat Belt is on drive safely okay You

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