The 2 BIGGEST Things That Will Make Your Dog Act Differently

The 2 BIGGEST Things That Will Make Your Dog Act Differently

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Hey guys this video is going to be a Little bit different than our normal Video we’re actually gonna go say hi to Our friends arden and katherine who have Sadie’s the rescue gun We met Sadie back from that we were Doing classes we don’t really do classes And they work one YouTube full time and Got some other projects going on I do Miss it though yeah and tell you is one Of our very first students our dog Training revolution t-shirts are Available for just a few more days I Wanted to make sure that you were able To get your shirt if you wanted to you Know I’m really excited to be a part of The evolution of modern dog training and I’m really happy that so many of you Feel the same way this shirt is a great Way to show that you stand for a more Modern approach in dog training that Considers ethics and fun most of all for Our dogs there are a few different Colors and styles we even have a hoodie For those of you that might live in a Cooler part of the world check the link In the description it will have all of The information we’re thinking about Doing a video with them because Katherine’s pregnant we were think about Doing a video on how to prepare your dog For the new baby so your dog knows how To be civilized when they need the new Baby so I think that’s an important

Topic because when you have a new baby There’s so many new variables that could Be really tempting for your dog if you Don’t take the time to explain to them That things like this might happen and They have to deal with it in the right Way because remember the biggest thing You could do to throw off a dog is Either change a major variable in their Environment in this case a baby or of Course change their environment in General so those things will almost Always make all dogs act Uncharacteristic if they’ve not been Sufficiently prepared I like to go check Out these dogs see where they are what We have to do so I know what to expect When we shoot the main episode At least looks fantastic yeah this looks Great good how long I been married now Wow so what have you done with this so Far it’s also great fun if you want to Do some like electronic mixing and glitz As she actually had any exposure to a Real baby like him are you newborn yeah We’re close toddler age How does she interact with children in Particular when you’re in public or You’re not really bringing her in public Much around my children I don’t know if You have occasion to do that yeah I mean I’m she’s a dog park She loves a dog park she does well she Loves it oh yeah great she’s great I do

Want to see how she’s doing with leave It and lie down and stay that’s that Cool down good girl Leave it can you get our eyes on you Like that I want you to overrule me I’m Gonna ask her to take the chicken I want You to tell her to leave it alone Good girl it’s yummy that’s tough you Guys do we have a stay with distance yes State she’s saying she have a good stay Here this is uh and that might be just Cuz of me I’m training her Guess I shouldn’t that on a wider street She’s cute she got the best of me but Because we can you have a mage day and Your business day you want to be able to Be like chill I’m tending to something Right now You know what I mean but that’s good Okay but you haven’t really worked on This solidly have you not not for that Extended period of time no okay so like Sit on the couch was holding the baby Here and baby’s throwing stuff Everywhere you know you know what you Know what I mean yeah yeah it’s like you You a want her to be able to leave Things alone you also want her to be Able to go to her place where she’s Comfortable to relax for five or ten Minutes while you tend to your son my Goal is to be able to sit down here hold For one second mmm well she holds the Stay and then get back up and reward her

And build on that stay I’m excited we’re gonna do a video with Them about how to teach your dog to Behave around the newborn it’s a video I’ve been wanting to make for a long Time inside a video you guys are Interested in seeing tell me in the Comments below don’t forget to check out Our t-shirts too we’ll have the link Below in the description yeah we have a Few different versions of them mhm yeah There are there’s this one the boys one That’s acts wearing you could also order A girls version which I have done There’s a couple of different colors Available but I haven’t gotten it yet so I’m not wearing it yet yeah very cool And don’t you get a discount if you Order one yeah if you get more than one That you save a lot on shipping and the Shipping is reasonable it’s what you Would expect for one shirt but if you Get two or three then chippings almost It’s a very modest increase subscribe Like me on Facebook click thumbs up and We’ll see you guys in the next video

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