The Best Way to Exercise Your Dog Safely

The Best Way to Exercise Your Dog Safely

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ProGreen Pet Turf:
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Keeping your dog exercised is very important, particularly with higher energy dogs! This video will review how to teach you dog fetch, tug of war, let go, how to play frisbee and other fun dog tricks!

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This video is sponsored by pro green Click thumbs up for gusta Labs subscribe To my channel too you can see goose’s Pretty impatient she’s ready to play if You’ve got an active dog exercising them Is essential and one of the most Important factors to consider is making Sure that you’re exercising them on safe Surfaces at all times it’s critical that Dogs can get lots of grip and traction So you can minimize their chance of Being injured grass is typically a Pretty safe surface for dogs but hard or Slippery surfaces should be avoided Today we’re gonna be trying the pro Green k9 champion synthetic turf to see How it holds up to geuss synthetic turf Eliminates mud puddles brown spots dead Spots pests and basically every other Problem associated with pets and natural Grass turf looks extremely realistic Goose is a pretty insane high-energy lab So I’m pretty sure if this turf can hold Up to her it can hold up to anything Let’s have a quick review on teaching Fetch step one of teaching fetch is Generating your dog’s interest in a toy I think we’ve got that pretty well Covered here don’t you one thing I’m Noticing though about goose is she’s Great with drop it when you let go of The toy right that’s pretty good but if You ask her to drop it while you’re Playing tug-of-war with her like this

Drop it drop it she’s like no I don’t Want to drop it so I think we need to Work on that a little bit just so we Have options and teaching your dog to Understand the concept no matter what The context is is a really important Part of dog training I’m comfortable Getting on the ground with goose she’s So cute and view to put a lookout from Here so when she starts to pull away Like that I’m just gonna let go because The toy becomes uninteresting my goal is To see if I can get her to drop it while I’m holding on to it still see once she Gets going right there she’s like no I Can’t I just can’t drop it this is too Much fun so I’m gonna make it less Interesting drop it yes get it good drop It Gonna let go yes is what she wants is a Vigorous game of tug-of-war that’s the Currency for her that’s one of the Reasons I love introducing the concept Of fetch with a tug toy like this Because you can really get a dog going And you can practice drop it yes good Girl Yes she’s interested in the toy she’ll Drop it when I asked now let’s see if She’ll perceive the toy if I toss it a Key part of teaching fetch is making Sure that your dog knows how to bring The toy back nice work drop it Pretty good nice jobs are all goofs I

Think you’ve got the fundamentals of Fetch pretty well mastered when you’re Playing fetch with your dog you want to Do your best no ma’am Easy wait your turn you wanted to do Your best to keep the toy in front of Your dog because you want them running At it this is going to keep them from Making those awkward turns but really I Recommend that you teach your dog how to Do the come around or go around let me Show you what I mean I’m just gonna lure The toy around me get her to come around And then chase it come around good job Good girl goose come around good girl You’re awesome at this and you can see She’s really getting the hang of come Around goose I think you’ve graduated From a basic fetch I think we get Serious now goose is new to frisbee so We’re really gonna put this turf to the Test now I performed professionally a Lot with my own dogs over the years Doing a lots of elaborate stunts and Acrobatic tricks and you perform Professionally with stunt dogs you get To know a lot of different synthetic Terms and this is by far the best Synthetic turf that I’ve come across Program has the technology to make Products that nobody else can match Because they manufacture it themselves Let’s see if goose can you catch the Frisbee good come around go but you

Might notice I’ve got a stack of Frisbees in my hand I thought it might Be fun to teach view’s to catch all These frisbees one after another in Rapid succession that’s a component of Freestyle frisbee dog training we call Those multiples you would never ever Want to teach any tricks like this on a Surface that wasn’t extremely easy to Grip see I don’t want goose fixating on A single frisbee I want her to catch one Move on to the next one and then even The next one after that that’s a little Confusing at first get it yes drop it Perfect ready get it Yes I don’t care that she missed it but He did it so you can see right now she’s Like a little confused she’s like wait a Minute I don’t get it good Drop it get it yes Drop it yes get it yes good girl who’s Ready catch it yes good let go let go Yes get it perfect what we’re working up To is being able to do a really quick Like this and that takes a several Training sessions at least with most Dogs but for training session number one Goose is doing great one of my other Favorite frisbee tricks to teach the dog Is how to jump over your body this can Be wonderful for keeping them in shape And it’s a really flashy trick to teach At first just tempt her to chase it and Just lure her over my legs come on yeah

Get it yes good good I’m gonna reward With some tug good look at that and so I’m just gonna kind of encourage her to Jump over my legs there get a really Comfortable with it what I’d like to do Is position the frisbee right here I’m Just gonna hold it and see if she’ll Jump and get it get it yes and as your Dog is getting the hang of it and they Can grab it while you hold it then you Want to start to throw it up a little Bit so that they get in the habit of Catching it while it’s in the air get it You see what I did there so rather than Holding it I threw it up at the last Second to let her try and make a leaping Catch and get it there so good now goose Is the kind of dog that can really tear Up a yard if you were gonna get Synthetic turf in the past you had to Really choose between durability and Drainage but with this all new k9 Champion serve and the canine deluxe Surf you can get the best of both worlds Get it nice the canine deluxe turf is Installed in doggy daycares military dog Training facilities and dog parks across The country and this canine Championship Is even more soft and durable obviously If you have dogs you want to make sure That drainage is top-notch on any Synthetic turf this has been one of the Most complicated problems to solve with Synthetic turf in the past but

Programming that solves this beautifully With their pro flow drainage technology Do some trying to do a test here we have Water for you I don’t know why you want This water unlike traditional synthetic Turf which is perforated with holes that The water has to find in order to drain Through leaving residual Fluids that can cause terrible odors the Pro flow backing lets all of that liquid Flow right through it when you flip it Over you can see it’s not retaining Water bottom line if you’re looking for A safe durable and clean surface for Your dog I think Pro Green is the way to Go I’ll have their info and website and The description below click thumbs up Reviews get your canine deluxe or new Canine champions her from pro green I’ll Have a link to Pro greens website and Links to the products we covered today Goose you did a good job girl

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