The worst thing that ever happened in my dog training career just happened.

The worst thing that ever happened in my dog training career just happened.

Coming soon.

Previously on reality dog training i’m Very impressed at your strength thank You yeah it worked out for moira but i Feel like you might need to work out More for george well moira was my Workout for george i think oh my gosh What is george the workout for We’ve traveled to the last frontier to Take on a rescue project like we’ve Never done before the single worst thing That has ever happened in my dog Training career Just happened This is chop a wild alaskan dog who grew Up wandering the streets of a remote Isolated northern village This dog has literally never been inside A house He’s a completely untrained adult dog He’s had very limited interactions with Humans I mean His teeth are huge and strong inertia my Own dog may never be the same there’s no Doubt if she does have a negative Experience it will likely set us back You know i think we might have Accidentally let a wolf into our house Chop will force me out of my comfort Zone and challenge me as a trainer like Never before 15 minutes ago i was ready to quit being A dog trainer forever I’m a little discouraged

We were talking about How much we already love him so it’s Like here we go again giving a dog That’s almost 100 pounds their first Bath it’s like washing an suv Here Yes [Music] That’s you what do you think of you We can’t fail this dog [Music] He’s really thinking Good man there we go We’re getting somewhere here [Music] How about that Starting to understand stuff [Music] Here we are in the final stages of this Series i felt like in that moment every Bit of training i had done with him was Meaningless I would sincerely feel quite guilty If he misses out on a home like this Because i didn’t prepare him a nightmare Scenario Unfolded This is reality dog training subscribe And click the bell

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