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Pleaded I knew there would be a lot of Dogs out here but there are a lot of Dogs boy we have chosen a great Distracting environment to train in this Is exactly what I’ve heated I’m Zach George I trained dogs this is my new dog And I’m gonna show you how I train her From day one things definitely won’t Always go smoothly you can start from The beginning or you can pick up Anywhere subscribe and hit the bell Notification so you never miss an Episode when you put into motion an Approach based on love and respect your Results will forever remain in motion This is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience In this episode we’re going to see how Inertia is doing with her obedience Around all sorts of distractions Including other dogs which is extra Challenging for her and we’ll see if she Can do an entire heal session basically Off leash in her new park She’s been really off and on in public Sometimes she’s doing well sometimes She’s not hopefully there’s some things In my pup box that are going to help me It’s basically a subscription box Service they send you things that really Help you train your dog based on their Specific age the first thing you’ll Notice when you get a pup box is this Card and they give you information to
Really help keep you focused on what you Need to be working on that is a packed Box right there what is this a safety Light when you have a dog you want to be Able to take them out if it’s a little Bit dark this will make them easier to See you can go around the collar or Leash what a neat texture this is she Likes this toy that’s good this is what We call currency this is stuffed with Carrots sweet potato and pumpkin right Here so that’ll really keep her interest For a while that’s a fun tug toy right There you turn spin good her spin is Looking good seeing even with toys you Can encourage them to follow a lure like That and you can reward with a game of Tug nice job We get a couple of bags of different Treats here having a variety of Different types of currencies is Essential if you’re interested in making Rapid progress in your training pup box Is gonna give everyone 50% off of their First pup box when you sign up for a 3 6 Or 12 month subscription go to pawpaws Comm slashes back and use discount code Zac I’ll have the details in the Description I promise you if you’re Really interested in training your dogs You’re gonna find pup box to be Incredibly useful all right let’s go to The park I Using the front clip harness because
Even though inertia doesn’t react as Much as she used to in the event that She does bark or lunge towards another Dog it’ll be easier to redirect her However the goal is to prevent this from Happening in the first place Just cuz the dog is gone doesn’t mean The distraction is gone there’s a whole Scent trail that’s been left behind like Your dog stay thank you just working on Training I think I got a little Distracted there and she got a little Impatient because you know I kind of Like to explain to people that I’m Training my dog when I just stopped like That over here see little anxious but She’s not going totally crazy let me see If I can get her back hey inertia can You sit please thank you Yes that’s wonderful good okay let’s go And let’s just promptly move on here so I’m in this large populated city park Area here in Atlanta and I mean there oh There’s so many real leave that alone Good girl there’s so many real-world Distractions leave it see this leave it Can you give me a sit instead good leave It alone good so I’m gonna give her a Nice reward there for leaving alone the Garbage leave it I think we’ll pick this Up and throw it away while we’re here Okay This is Atlanta’s Beltline right here And people walk their dogs so again you
Still have the issue of lots of Different scents and just being outdoors In general as a distraction even I am Attempting to bypass exercise today to See if we can save it for our main Training lesson and because I haven’t Exercised so I’m not gonna hold her to The same standard not yet anyway that I Would expect when she was a bit older And had a bit more life experience let’s Go good girl there we go nice job and so My primary currency here is going to be The environment just encouraging or to Keep exploring but not explore so much That she’s pulling me way ahead this is Our compromise right now there are so Many squirrels around here that provide Constant distractions when you’re Walking – but she’s getting good she Acknowledges some but she doesn’t Necessarily start charging after them Though sometimes she does let’s go We’re in a completely different part of The park right now this is called the Meadow and there are the occasional People walking by but you can believe That This being an unfamiliar place to Inertia she’s gonna be very tempted and Unlikely to listen to me I feel like but Let’s get a baseline let’s see what Happens when I call her I know she Should come excellent start I’m Definitely gonna reinforce that I love
The automatic sit there good job you’re Not allowed to eat wood leave it alone Can you leave this alone thank you okay Come here Yeah good perfect Oh sure you’re great okay come here good Can you give me a heel good look at me Yes you come on let’s go perfect wait I’m gonna try to work on a little bit of Heel training with inertia let’s see if She’ll do that in this very distracting Environment you can see she’s like Trying to look at me but there’s a Pedestrian coming up let me see Okay come on let’s go wait yeah so I’m Gonna try and be a little bit more Engaging back up I’m also gonna practice Throwing in some random requests you are Like stay or wait very good yes leave it Alone Let’s go heal good wait back up Good heal wait Look here yes go ahead easy nice she’s Doing great there that was a left turn I Don’t see how she does with her right Turn how about this way nah he’s good Girl I’ve got another runner coming up Let’s see if she’ll do this heel in the Face of a jogger inner sole give me heel This way yes good come here yo come on Steak thank you that was pretty awesome Really good nice work inertia okay let’s Go I’m changing surfaces let’s see if That doors are all okay this way he’ll
Come on come on come on You’re doing great let’s go wait okay Good Nice job hey that was wonderful I’m Gonna give her a break and as an added Reward just let her kind of roam a Little bit on the leash check things out So it’s not just completely like Disciplined school all the time she is Entitled to a life isn’t she go a dog Over here did you see how she lit up Inertia come failure point while inertia Has been improving in public when dogs Pass at close range it’s challenging to Be more interesting to her than another Dog so I’m continuing to be consistent In patient in this case I’m waiting for The dog to get a little farther away at Which time I will call inertia and Reward and praise her for complying Let’s go here perfect sit waiting for Her to look at me right now Automatically without a request yes okay So I’ll be honest there I mean there was A breakdown in stay I asked her to stay She was so excited by the dog walking by But those are kind of the things that You have to get better and better at When you’re training in public there’s No such thing as a perfect dog or a Perfect trainer but overall she did Decently well I mean she didn’t go Lunging after the dog she did summon Enough restraint to hold her stay so I
Appreciate that as well in order to make My job a little bit harder I’m going to Really into the toy let her play with it Out here for a second before I use it as A primary distraction she is in love With this pop box toy inertia could use Some more practice staying when exciting Things are going on around her now I Know that inertial loves certain types Of toys so that’s a good place to start If she can’t stay for this toy she Certainly can’t stay while another dog Is nearby I think we demonstrated that Inertia really loves the toy now let’s Ask her to stay without notice stay ok So she broke stay there she wasn’t quite Ready to listen to stay with such little Notice in that case so I need to take a Step back here and make stay a little Bit easier yes look at me stay Ultimately I’m working to be able to ask Her to stay and then 1/10 of a second Later have her hold that stay no matter What’s going on around her ok ready go Get it nice job and stay there we go Good so I did have to get her a little Warmed up steak looks like we have a dog In the distance that should be a Significant distraction too let’s see if We can take advantage of this and make It a training opportunity ah had the Interrupter there thank you good job Stay and we also have distance so we Have distance duration distractions
Albeit not perfect at all but we’re Getting there see so multiple Distractions a many feet away from her Stay Shouldn’t have to repeat stay Necessarily there but I’m choosing to do It for emphasis because I’m dealing with The dog it’s under a year old okay come Here so I don’t want to push that stay To an endless failure wanted to make Sure that we set her up for success There one thing about inertia is that She really loves dogs and loves paying Attention to dogs I mean everyone that Walks by she’s got to take a look at and I don’t expect her to cheat him out but The next exercise I have in store for us Is training inertia how to listen at Close proximity to dogs without having Access to dogs so there’s a dog park Right down over here I’m just gonna do a Quick general training session to see How she does over there because it’s Off-peak hours right now I don’t expect It to be too busy this is a pretty big Dog park so way down there you can Probably see a few dogs in the distance I want to make sure that I can get an Ursa to pay attention to me at this Distance from those dogs before I get Much closer because these aren’t just Dogs taking a walk these are dogs that Are running and playing and chasing toys And roughhousing I mean barking doing
All sorts of things that might be extra Distracting than say a dog we would Encounter out here nonetheless I want to Teach her no matter what’s going on Around you no matter how excited or Distracted you are you ultimately need To listen to me because it’s in your Best interest inertia can you sit good Girl great I like to do a sit to measure Our dog’s willingness to comply clearly Inertia is compliant okay let’s get Closer alright we’ve kind of snuck up Here I didn’t realize the dogs are Getting closed so you can see right now I mean she’s really enticed you got this Person throwing a ball over here all the Dogs following see inertia come okay She’s not complying here maybe I’m Asking too much of her let me encourage Her to interact calmly with some of Those dogs through the fence I don’t Mind her noticing the dogs at this point In her training but I am trying to Prevent outbursts towards other dogs Sometimes it’s important to meet your Dog halfway I spoke to the people who Are with these dogs and was told they’d Be happy to meet inertia through the Fence can you sit good stay yes She’s taking treats meaning that she’s Not so overstimulated that she won’t Take treats I’m not giving any of the Other dogs treats obviously but I think They may have detected that I
Them she can I get a wave so it looks Like inertia just needed to satisfy her Curiosity about the dogs and now she’s Listening much more willingly even Though she’s really close to these dogs So now we’re getting some stays with Dogs in the area she just needed a Little warm-up and that’s the thing stay Okay good girl over time as you train Your dog you want them to listen with Less and less notice this is just like a Brief example of a training that’ll do a Couple of minutes at a time when I’m Walking past here it’s an exercise I Will do many many many times in the Future with many dozens of different Dogs I think it’s probably time that we Do an update on and nurses tricks to see How she’s doing And of course we have this added Variable of a new place this is yet Another part of the park that she hasn’t Been to we’ll see how she does what it Cute don’t look I like your dog okay Thanks I’ve noticed the second my Attention gets divided she’s like I’m Gonna break my stay so that just kind of Supports the hypothesis that dogs don’t Respond well to an unfocused trainer sit Good girl Can you lie down nice work I’m trying Out these pop-up streets that I got and So far they’ve been very effective stay So she’s holding a stay while there’s a
Dog in the distance and she’s finding it Worth it it’s a whole verse day for These okay it’s so funny how she knows We’re going into trick training she Knows this one makes my heart melt okay Good girl here you go We have geese over here that are getting Her attention that’s again the virtue of Training in new places whoo so we have a Dog coming up nothing to talk over here Boy we have chosen a great distracting Environment to Train and this is exactly What I’ve needed stall she’s starting to Be able to hold her stall while I rise Up like that was a good one okay I Didn’t want to push it to failure there Good job so we have another puppy Walking by obviously that’s one of the Hardest times to get a dog’s attention She’s really going into that down Instead of taking a bow so take a bow I’m gonna make it easier yes whenever Your dog seems confused take a step back In your training and go extra slow I Know a lot of these training exercises Might seem a little redundant but They’re actually completely different When you consider the context and the Environment which are training all of Those make huge differences to dogs I’m Gonna try to use her toy as currency now That we got in our pup box you got to Deal with the geese in the back Lie down yes play dead
Oh roll over okay I’ll take it I’ve been Meaning to work on roll over more we Have a golden retriever coming up over Here Nice job Thanks stay so you can see She’s kind of inching forward there but She did a pretty good job they’re Holding her stay so you might notice Occasionally I’ll have inertia interact With a dog as they walk by I don’t want Her to think that every time a dog walks By she gets to engage in playtime look How challenging it is to get her back on This let me see Hey go get it Oh she thought about it come on what’s Up good There we go there we go so as the dog is Walking away my job got a little bit Easier lie down now she bowels when I Ask her to lie down I’m going to elect To let the dog just walk by here rather Than insisting she pay attention I’ll Limit her access to the dog by having Her on leash you really have to pick Your battles sometimes you might want to Press the point but you reach a point Where it gets very frustrating to your Dog if you just keep insisting that they Do it let’s see how simultaneous play Dead is going sit lie down and wait no You got to wait for me come alive play Dead No wait I didn’t our rhythm is not exactly the
Best right now Ready can you plead in okay good Almost she kind of broke a little early Come on we can do this okay So simultaneous play dead is still a Little rough but it’s looking better Let’s work on sit pretty a little bit Again this is one that she’s in the very Beginning stages of learning so I’m Trying to make her less reliance on Holding on to my arm and like teaching Her to balance on her but again I want To make sure her hind legs are in a Position that makes it easier to balance Sit yes good I’m not even saying sit Pretty right now I’m just really focused On getting her to go through the motions Yes see how she’s using that restraint To keep her butt on the ground yes there We go good ready yes Look at that ultimately you want your Dog to be able to sit pretty like this And just hold that position for many Seconds at a time but that’s still gonna Take a lot of practice for her but we’ll Continue to work on As well so my big takeaway from this Lesson is if you’re gonna work on Various skills with your dog in this Environment be prepared to be extra Patient because you know it’s public and Anything can happen Dogs are really curious so they’re going To be very interested in their
Surroundings at all times especially the Less life experience that they have so It’s still pretty early in the day right Now I’m gonna play some more fetch with Her get that energy out this is part of Our mostly daily routine since we were Having issues with dogs earlier I Thought bringing her to this area might Help maybe give her a little more Exercise let her see dogs at a greater Distance practice stay while we’re over Here go you might notice how we’re Starting to phase in off leash training Here I have a long lead I feel pretty Confident that I can get to her go nice Good catch good adjustment on that one Huh she’s getting more more experience Inertia ready go this is some of the Best time in the world to really Desensitize them to environments because I’m not focused on any real specific Training you can see she’s really winded Right now she’s panting which means She’s less likely to run off and Investigate things so it really allows Her to exist in public without being Ridiculous so that’s really one of the Added benefits of taking your dog out in Public exercising them and just Generally spending time with them in the Next episode we’re going to up the ante And take inertia into the busy city of Atlanta for some high stakes training Practice get 50% off of your first pup
Box when you sign up for a 3 6 or 12 Month subscription follow us on Instagram and tik-tok to see how much Progress inertia has made since this Video was filmed subscribe to this Channel and click the bell to get Notified every time we post a new video Get a copy of both of my books to have All of my best dog training advice at Your fingertips They’re both available on audiobook form Too and I narrated them myself see you Guys in the next video