There We Go Baby! That’s What I’m Talking About! [Reality Dog Training: George the Pit Bull Ep 4]

There We Go Baby! That’s What I’m Talking About! [Reality Dog Training: George the Pit Bull Ep 4]

There we go baby! Training George the dog to do all kinds of stuff! Can’t believe his Frisbee training! This video is sponsored by NomNom! Get 50% off a 2 week trial at

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Buddy it’s okay it’s okay There we go baby that’s what i’m talking About i’m zach george And this is george no relations George has spent the last four months Living in an animal shelter with minimal Contact With other dogs or people and it’s my Job to transform him from a wild and Crazy dog To an incredible pet seems Straightforward right Holy cow not getting that ball George is a dog like i’ve never known Before i don’t know if i can let this Dog go Let go this might be the single Greatest transformation i have ever seen In a dog that i’ve worked with The hardest thing about foster dog you Fall in love with them This is reality dog training Subscribe and click the bell so you Never miss an episode This episode is brought to you by nom Nom if you haven’t heard of nom nom yet Your mind is about to be blown nom nom Makes fresh gently cooked Super high quality meals that are Specifically created for your dog by an Actual veterinary nutritionist so you Know that your dog is getting Everything that they need they actually Invented a special machine that

Pre-portions Each meal for your dog down to the Individual calorie So you never have to worry about under Feeding your dog or over feeding them They ship your dog’s meals to you in an Ice cold box every two weeks So you never run out of food i promise That you and your dog are going to love Nom nom you can get 50 Off of a two week trial of nom nom by Using my special link in the description zack there’s no way i could Have a dog like george In my custody and not attempt to get him Into playing some frisbee i like playing Frisbee with almost any dog that is Willing So it’ll be curious to see how this Pitbull type dog Takes to frisbee i always cherish the First frisbee lesson with any dog that i Do them with so I’m excited especially with a big tug Dog so Just quickly to review when you’re Teaching frisbee to your dog the first Step is to generate Interest i suspect that’s going to be Easy with him although what’s this about Hey i don’t think he knows it’s a toy so Let me make it clear Yeah good boy that it’s a toy get it It’s okay

He doesn’t know how to bite it by the Rim yeah there he goes he figured it out There he goes and oh wow good boy i’m Gonna let him know it’s okay to tug this Good look that’s a bite you guys you Look at it and you’re like how would i Ever Get a frisbee away from a dog that’s Pulling like this holy cow Let go Leave it I feel like i know what i’m doing come On get it Good good let go Leave it alone stay okay We’ve generated interest in the frisbee He’s letting go Pretty well sit stay he picks up things So quick i’m going to roll it now Right i want to see what happens when i Roll it i don’t want to just throw it Because he’s going to be like Well he might actually figure it out but Let’s see Ready okay yes Good that was pretty good did he get it By the rim i mean Good let go okay Let go come on i was talking good about Let go leave it stay Okay go on good boy Come on george i’m gonna get low Yeah i’m gonna play tug when he gets to Me

Let go Uh come on let go Yes okay Well done so that one he cleanly picked It up by the rim And he’s just like oh this new joy’s so Exciting i want to walk around with it For a second Which is okay i mean i’m going to be Tolerant there I love that he’s into it good all right Hey let go So as he gets more excited the let go Gets a bit tougher so i’ll concede that But we’re definitely trending towards Improvement To get a dog to catch a frisbee in the Air takes several weeks of training Typically so i don’t expect that Here or necessarily in this series at All but the next step would be to get Your dog To catch it while we hover it right in Front of them like that right Hey let go yes get it That was amazing did you see him Actually go for it Get it good boy i mean he’s very close Stay yes oh there we go baby That’s what i’m talking about first Catch ever Oh we did it that was so great to me That’s the equivalent of a child taking Their first steps it’s just amazing

Yeah two in a row oh my gosh look at This Good boy i’m gonna let him really Celebrate he loves that tug Of course with tug comes let go when Your dog is learning to play frisbee let Them know that you appreciate every time They go for it Not just when they actually make a catch Nice work buddy You can’t have a better first frisbee Training session than this He’s got to learn the timing and how to Catch up to him but i’m not worried About him not understanding the game i Think he clearly understands what he’s Supposed to do he just has to practice Now Okay go and as i throw them i’m trying To give them plenty of hang time so we Can figure it out Yeah good boy even if he goes for it We’ve got to act like they caught it Whether they did or not Okay there you go I mean like a pro this is definitely a Frisbee pitbull Let go now Hey stop All right i am going to crack down a Little because he’s starting to really Chomp and chew on that frisbee and that Can be a really bad habit frisbees are Not chew toys and bad habits can develop

Like A good yes okay good buddy good good Good I’m gonna throw some rollers in there I’m not gonna forget about those either So kind of a mixture of rolling it to Really get them Let go no not gonna play tug now i’ll Play tug intermittently but with him Catching On so fast i wanted to get this let go Down hey let go No you see me really close to his face That’s because We’ve earned some trust together you Would not want to do that with a dog That you are not very comfortable with Even then you’ve got to always use Caution Good boy come on love how he just turns Back to me Come come on come on come on brings it Right to me Let go george’s let go is looking pretty Good for the moment but when you’re Teaching things like this you often take One step forward and then Two steps back so i don’t think george And i have fought Our last let go battle yet yeah I should keep them low the wind caught That one but when you’re first teaching A dog to catch a frisbee they’re still Learning how to use their body so you

Want to keep them low Okay go there it is That’s it come on bud George you got it you got it Let go yes like a real frisbee dog here This is day three with a dog that’s been Living in the shelter for the last four Months who has picked up Off the streets in new orleans and is Performing like this I don’t think there’s anything special About what i’m doing i think he’s just a Really bright dog Oh we have a pedestrian here so that’s Okay That’s all right all right buddy it’s Okay it’s okay Come on over here come on that’s good so This has been an interesting thing i’ve Noticed about jordan when he’s caught Off guard by a stranger in the area he Has what seems to be a fear response to Them and he starts barking Just pretty unsure so fear responses can Escalate If we don’t manage our dogs properly so I want to avoid Any escalation in a fear response from You i think that’s an area we can Improve on by giving him more exposure To the real world And get him doing things that he likes In Real world environments much like we’re

Doing here dude no come On good boy yes Nice if your dog has prey drive like he Was trying to go after those ducks if You can become successful In redirecting it to something harmless Like a frisbee or a toy Then that gives them the satisfaction And they learn to forget about that that Was a good example you can see How george was like all right i’ll play Frisbee over those ducks i’d much rather Play with you So i think that was a pretty good lesson For today i mean More than i was ever expecting i don’t Think i’ve ever had a first frisbee Lesson go Quite that well and i’ve trained border Collies so that’s pretty awesome George come here it looks like george is Having a little bit of a barking Outburst i want to nip this in the bud And really Focus on getting him to pay attention to You when he feels we need to react to Something he sees outside No we’ve got to be quiet we don’t want Them To stay [Music] George Sure that worked up i was trying to hide The treats from him but i think he

Detected it Okay sit good job I’ll take it before we use treats Catch it All right good job it’s not always that Easy to get your dog’s attention when They’re excited by something outside But i’m really focusing on any barking Outburst at all because Man unwanted barking can get out of Control quickly And so far he’s been reasonably good on It Now at day three though he’s starting to Get a little more comfortable here and a Little more boisterous at times I need to do some maintenance training Basically Working on some things that we went over You might remember yesterday With george he did really well but his Let go Was not as good as i would like so i’d Like to polish that up it’s kind of Hit or miss sometimes he’s good with it And then other times he’s like i’m not Letting go All right let go uh-uh Yes i’m just going to get them warmed up With a few of these Let go stay Ah oh okay we need some improvement There Let go sit

Stay look at me Here george here look at me stay Here yes okay good boy gotta start Releasing from this stay he’s breaking On yes i’d rather he Break on okay but we can work on that Good Boy stay Okay yes good boy Good work let go Yes let go Yes here Okay you want to play with that one that Works Good let go Yes let go Yes let me see if he’ll do a basic Obedience request here While in this excited state stay Here look at me Okay yes good boy very good Good and two tug toys Good fine all right and let go Yes go get it all right buddy Looking good sit yes He’s not used to working for his food But meal time is a great opportunity to Get some training in with your dog Yesterday we introduced lie down for the First time to him i don’t think he’s Quite generalized it i’m gonna warm him Up by reminding him what we did we’re Gonna lure him It’s okay he’s like i want that food

He’s really fixated on the bowl because You can tell from the shelter he’s Really used to getting his bowl at one Time so he’s like what are we doing He’s not following allure with this and With kibble it can be a little tough to Lure them anyway i was hoping he would Do that but let’s see if we can work on Some other stuff so how about Leave it look at me Yes so we gotta leave it and look at me Yes here leave it Here look at me good Leave it here look at me good just gonna Be really repetitive here Leave it that one’s real close yes Keep going There we go that’s working a little Better so that that’s interesting rather Than using a single kibble I put three or four or five and he yes He went right into the down wasn’t that Cool all right down Yes yes Bow oh my gosh look at you all right Which i wore How about duration on down yes yes Yes Yes yes Yes yes Yes look at me Okay good so i got a nice long down stay There I was rapidly reinforcing him with his

Meal Just to let him know look i like that You’re still holding your down stay now He’s going Into the down yes for a single kibble Which was different than just a moment Ago that’s pretty cool Yes Yes right here okay and Okay still learning what okay means That the stay is over with lie down you Know it’s probably a good idea for it to Mean stay into a down until i say Break that position okay here stay Yes encouraging him to come back up into That sit Now stan still pretty new to him come on Okay good yes Yes so watch this Yes yes Yes okay yes Good boy okay meaning you don’t have to Hold that stand so Once i get him in the position i’m going To try just like i did with lie down To hold him there by rapidly giving him His meal Sit yes Stay yes yes Oh oh stay Being very generous by giving him Rewards here after all it is his meal Yes Okay yeah okay good boy yeah good

Can you lie down What how did you do that yes That was exciting because i gave him a Hand signal and he went right into the Down without a lure Sit lie down You notice i’m saying down and lie down That can be a little confusing to some Dogs sometimes But i like the dogs i work with to have A pretty broad vocabulary and they Really seem to get it overall it doesn’t Seem to cause a lot of confusion as long As you’re Consistent using hand signals that they Seem to be understanding as we’re seeing Here with george So i try not to get too hung up on that Sort of thing i want you to feel Liberated to be able to talk to your dog In a way that feels natural to you Can you down Yes okay he didn’t really understand What the point meant But then the second i kind of bashed my Fingers in a lure away he’s like oh wait I think i recognize what you’re going For there Lie down See you guys confused then i do this see That just that little difference That little gesture made a huge Difference on lie down there Come on good

Hold on Oh my yes he could do bow Yes maybe he could do crawl he’s so Responsive yes Stay yes Yes yes yes Yes yes and okay good boy Wow that was pretty impressive now i Caught him bowing i like teaching dogs Tricks i think it’s good for their brain I think it’s just good for overall Communication building so the fact that He offered it right there Was awesome sit Lie down no treating my hand that time Guys Yes pretty good so we’re trying to Fade out the lore over time okay come on Okay good notice all the ways i’m Looking to say Yes to him so that he really starts to Understand How to communicate with a human being George [Applause] Yes good big reward there for coming to Me when i called him In fact i’ll go ahead and give him the Rest of his meal just for that come wind Called is huge For the first many months of training if Not first Year or even two years of training you Want to go out of your way to save your

Dog When you come to me i’m definitely going To make it worth your while Because that’s a life-saving skill so no Point in being stingy on rewards when it Comes To such an important skill good job Buddy proud of you I’m so thrilled at george’s progress Well another day Is done day three i think he’s pretty Content Hey george what’s up buddy i just have To say that today was Pretty unexpected in a lot of ways like It’s clear to me this is a very smart Dog It’s clear to me this is a very strong Dog difficult to communicate with when You first start to train a dog like this If you’re not experienced with dogs you Kind of Are tempted to label them as stubborn Dogs Because they won’t let go of the toy or They jump too much It’s hard to get through to them if you Don’t really kind of embrace that spirit That they have Frisbee was just the highlight today When i said that I have never experienced a first frisbee Training session like that with a dog i Kid you not

It really was special and he really Caught on i mean he’s a natural athlete I think tomorrow we’ll probably go into Public in a more significantly Distracting Environment outside he’s been doing well Behind the house George is just a reminder to us all how Many great dogs Are available in shelters and pounds and Rescue groups There really are just a lot of great Dogs out there george I love you buddy i probably fell in love With george yesterday But i really love him today i think That he is really sweet and he’s so easy To love What do you think i’m sorry i just had To come in here and say How many months do you think it told you It took you To say that you loved me because i’m not Sure It was like months and you’ve known George for Three days yeah and i love him It’s true let’s get a thumbs up for bree She’s like The main executive producer of this Series and she’s killing it i hope you Guys like it We’re trying yeah trying to make Something really cool for you

It’s being it’s feeling pretty fun so Far because right now as you’re watching This The moira series with the german Shepherd is on like episode five Tomorrow Yeah or so we’re producing that too you Guys might not realize we have a real Job It’s not just training dogs how do you Feel about george I think he’s snoring in my ear right now And it’s very cute So soothing i noticed you’re on the Floor and the dog’s on the furniture yet Again oh I didn’t even realize that i’m just so Happy with him he got up here on the air Mattress and He’s not jumping on the furniture though We do have him pretty controlled but He’s not attempting to jump on the Furniture and I’m not seeing much much harm in it real Time He caught a frisbee today he caught an Actual frisbee not only do we want to Train but We need to start getting the word out That he’s available for adoption Oh yes i think we have like enough Footage now where i can put like a Little Like mini promotional trailer together

For him get it on social and See how he does it’s been a little bit Nerve-racking because we’re like Stressed about finding him a home Because he’s so amazing and he deserves A home And it’s kind of on us now because we Signed him out of the shelter so we Really have to get this done or foster Group Um right as excited and anxious as we Are to start trying to find a home for George we wanted to take a few days to Really get to know him And see how he did you know with zach With people with training With other dogs he sounded incredible With our dogs which is Really awesome if i didn’t have a Two-dog rule i’d be really Considering this guy i know he would be George george Just saying every dog i work with i can See myself i mean you sort of can’t you Always do Say you love them but when george caught That frisbee today i saw a different Look on your Face than normal that is the way to Zac’s heart if you’re a dog True yeah i like i like athletic dogs And especially frisbee dogs Good night he’s so cute Oh my gosh good boy go to

Zach to get 50 off a two-week trial of Nom nom subscribe to my channel and Follow us on instagram facebook and tick Tock And get both of my books too all of the Links are in the description of This video we’ll see you in episode 5.

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