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The basics in dog training need to be super solid before we can hope to master advanced training later. Every dog learns at a different rate, and different dogs react differently to training. It’s vital that we tailor our approach accordingly when teaching our dogs.
Lots of dogs like to pull on a leash. Dogs naturally walk faster than we do, but how do we teach them to to walk without pulling? ”Come when called” is a potentially life saving skill for our dogs. But what do we do when they accidentally get out? How do you work with with a nervous dog in an environment where they feel overwhelmed? In a Saturday morning class, I’ll answer those questions and more in this video! Thanks for leaving your comments! Thanks for telling your fb friends about me too! And tell me, how reliable is your dog on ”come when called”?
No matter how many times you train the Same exact thing To a dog every dog is just a little bit Different so this class coming in right Now it is the strangest anomaly every Single dog in here is no bigger than This and it’s a full class too so There’s this little dog whose name is Little dog one of the things we’re Focusing on is just getting her more Comfortable in the environment one thing You can do to help a dog feel a little More comfortable is to introduce them to Other dogs and other people in a pretty Low key setting be very understanding And patient with them if a dog is Stressed a little too much it’s not Really realistic or fair to ask them to Do new obedience commands or introduce Those concepts to them But right here i’d celebrate that wagon Tail over not laying down the fact that She is more comfortable in the Environment is more worth celebrating Rather than Throwing lie down on her if you can find Those brief moments where they’re Basically saying you know what i’m Feeling a little bit better then we Really want to seize those moments to at Least encourage them to do something new They haven’t been able to get down so The first time your dog does something That you love you got to let them know
You love it the most genuine Appreciative way possible it has to come From your heart just a little bit of Patience in dog training goes a really Long way but today i really want to Focus on teaching our dogs to check in With us i like to teach a dog how to not Pull on a leash in several steps but That first step is just encouraging them To check in with you and to change Directions often so that they don’t know Where the walk is going what that says To them is look i’m leading the walk pay Attention to me and you’ll get to walk All day long jared and little dog are Working together you’re very Understanding with her i like that a lot You’re not rushing her i can see that Authentic genuine connection with you Right now that’s what i look for and let Little dog know that you like that Having our dogs come to us when we call Them is a mega important skill for our Dogs to know and understand Freeze come now But that’s how you don’t call your dog Because of the importance of come when Called we want to do everything we can To make sure that they know that come When called equals wonderful things and There’s a lot of rewards for gum when Called it’s not just a handful of turkey Always call them in that enthusiastic Voice being low to the ground if you’re
Able to get low is always a good thing To do to really get that eye contact Nice and solid with them freeze grace Come here come here please hello I mean that’s not the cutest dog you’ve Ever seen It’s very important that we have our Dogs in a completely controlled Environment for their first year of Training supervision is ideal when You’re in a position to supervise them However when you can’t supervise them You should simply have them in a crate Or a room or other area where they can’t Get away with running away from you just Like with our children we cannot allow Them to be in a position to just Accidentally get out sometimes so we Have to improve that as well do you know What i’m saying if our dog gets away From us and we are not in a position to Get to them During the first year of training on Come win called in particular that’s not Your dog’s fault that’s your fault for Putting them in that position dogs are Not born knowing to come back to us Immediately it takes time for them to Get in the habit and that’s something That we need to be very patient with hey Cruz come on we’re here come on that’s Good sometimes running away from them Helps as well dogs like to chase We call our dog and then we restrain
Them rather than letting them go back to Doing what they’re doing so that’s why They developed a habit of hey i don’t Want to come to you i come to you you Put me in my crate or i come to you and Now you’re holding me and i don’t want To be held so tell me so i can get a Better sense of how trained your dogs Are how good is your dog on come when Called let me know in the comments below Also click thumbs up if you like the Video and like me on facebook Vzac george and if you’re liking the Videos let me know it okay we’ll see you Guys in the next video bye You