What you Need to Know about Pit Bulls

What you Need to Know about Pit Bulls

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”A community approach to dog bite prevention” (PDF). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 218 (11). June 1, 2001. pp. 1731–1749.

Patronek, Gary J., Sacks, Jeffrey J., Delise, Karen M., Cleary, Donald V., Marder, Amy R. (December 2013). ”Co-occurrence of potentially preventable factors in 256 dog bite–related fatalities in the United States (2000–2009)”. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 243 (12): 1726–1736.

”Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks in the United States between 1979 and 1998” (PDF). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. April 1, 2008.

Pit Bull Rescue Central FAQ:

”Worldwide failure of breed specific legislation” (PDF). National Canine Research Council. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 July 2014. ://www.nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com/uploaded_files/tinymce/World-wide%20Failure%20of%20BSL.pdf

Today we’re gonna talk about the facts Surrounding pitbulls click thumbs up if You understand that stereotyping an Entire breed is no way to judge an Individual dog subscribe to my channel And pick up a copy of my book dog Training revolution I actually feature My videos throughout the entire book so That you have a more thorough Understanding of how to teach your dog If you have a dog you’ve got to check Out pet flow pet flow takes all of the Hassle out of getting your dog’s food You choose your dog’s brand of dog food And how often you want it to arrive at Your front door you can and should train Without the pain which is why Peplow Doesn’t sell training tools that are Designed to be painful to dogs like the Other guys do be choosy about where you Get your dog food and give your business To a company that cares about modern Training methods I’ll have a link in a Coupon code in the description that’ll Give you 20% off of your first automatic Shipment I know you’ll love it or I Wouldn’t recommend it now let me Introduce you to our guest this is candy Candy was rescued from a really violent Situation back in 2009 by my aap Rachel But now she’s in a much better situation And doing great many people think that a Pitbull is a specific breed of dog but Actually the term pitbull encompasses a

Variety of different breeds like the American Bulldog the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier unfortunately pit bull-type dogs Seem to fall victim to negative Stereotypes arguably more than any other Type of dog out there but I’ve had the Privilege of working with hundreds of These guys over the years and overall They’re wonderful dogs one of the many Reasons for the perpetuation of the myth That pit bulls are generally aggressive Dogs is that oftentimes when someone Does experience a dog bite and they go To the emergency room they either report That a dog victim or a pitbull bit them And this causes emergency room medical Records to be very biased against pit Bull-type dogs sketchy data like this Has led to local even national Governments attempting to ban pit Bull-type dogs almost entirely this is What’s known as breed specific Legislation a study in the Journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association examined dog bite related Fatalities and found that breed was not A factor for such reasons the Center for Disease Control and Prevention the American Veterinary Society of animal And many other organizations have Publicly opposed breed-specific Legislation as it doesn’t help reduce Dog bite incidents and deaths in light

Of these studies many countries such as Italy and the Netherlands Have reversed their breed specific Legislation pitbulls were originally Created by breeding terrier dogs with Bulldogs in order to combine the agility Of the terrier with the strength of the Bulldog these dogs were used for such Sports as bull baiting and bear baiting And then when those sports were outlawed Many people turned to underground Dogfighting competitions because they Were easier to conceal from law Enforcement while this certainly is a Violent history it’s important to Remember that just because a dog can be Trained to be violent does not mean a Dog is inherently violent by Nature As far as we can tell pit bulls are no More likely to be born with an Instinctive desire to fight than a Maltese or a Labrador is more accurately Pit bulls are very often highly Trainable athletic dogs making them Prime candidates to be exploited for Nefarious activities today pitbulls are Used for so many positive things they Help law enforcement they can make great Therapy dogs and of course they make Wonderful pets so with the violent image That people think of when they think of Pitbulls Isn’t due to their natural temperament Then why does this image persist well a

Study in the Journal of interpersonal Violence found that those who have high Risk breeds like pit bulls Rottweilers German Shepherds Chow Chows and Doberman Pinschers have on average 10 times as Many criminal convictions as those with Lower risk breeds a more accurate Correlation would be that those who are More likely to participate in criminal Activity are also attracted to the Negative stereotype of pit bull type Dogs it turns out that people are the Problem not the dogs and this is where The debate really needs to center around The fact is some people are going to Exploit pitbulls either to be attack Dogs or to have them as a status symbol But a loving person like you isn’t going To do that pit bulls are often very Strong hyper powerful dogs and in many Cases that can be really overwhelming Even frightening for some it can be easy To mistake this exuberance for Potentially dangerous behavior and it is True that pent up energy can sometimes Lead to aggressive outbursts with some Dogs but this is True for all dogs regardless of their Breed with these types of dogs regular Exercise especially in the morning can Make an enormous difference in their Overall quality of life happiness and Teachability And remember pit bull-type dogs are

Really common in town shelters and Rescue organizations all over the place So if you’re considering one for your Next dog this should be the first place You look I could not get the message out About important topics like this without You thank you to our supporters on Patreon who helped fund these videos Click thumbs up if you think candy was The model pitbull today I certainly do Oh she was so good Subscribe to my channel pick up a copy Of my book dog training revolution set Up automatic pet food delivery at pet Flow and check us out on Instagram – I’m Gonna have all of those links in the Description of this video see you guys Next time Here are some recent episodes featuring Some awesome pitbulls check them out [Music] [Music] You You

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