Why Do Dogs Do These 5 Weird Things?

Why Do Dogs Do These 5 Weird Things?

Have you ever wondered why dogs do what they do, like growling, eating grass, or destroying your stuff? I’ll offer some insight! This video is sponsored by Petflow! Set up automatic pet food delivery today at

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Gastrointestinal disorders in dogs with excessive licking of surfaces

Characterisation of plant eating in dogs

Grass eating patterns in the domestic dog, Canis familiaris

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Today’s episode is sponsored by pet flow And supported by our incredible patrons On patreon look at that sweet little Doberman there on YouTube right now dogs Are weird but some of the things they do Are weirder than others let’s talk about Some of the strange things that dogs do And what they mean give a thumbs up for Piper the Doberman and don’t you just Love those natural Ears subscribe to my channel and check Out our new teespring store we’ve got Some awesome merchandise that I know You’ll love here’s some advice that’s Good for everyone Stop making special trips to the store Only to lug heavy bags of food across Town two to three times a month it’s ok You can have it now have your dog’s food Automatically shipped to you from pet Flow go to a link in the description Choose your dog’s favorite brand of dog Food and tell peploe how often you want It to be delivered enter codes act 30 When you check out and you’ll get $10 Off your first three orders I’ll have All the details in the description so Why is it that dogs growl well you know Sometimes when dogs growl it can be Quite upsetting to many people and the Unpleasant type of growling that we’re Talking about here usually means that a Dog is uncomfortable or uneasy about Something but you know what that type of

Growling isn’t really a bad thing it’s Important for dogs to communicate how They’re feeling so that we can take Steps to put them at ease or make them Feel more comfortable and keep things From escalating it’s how you react to Growling that makes all the difference Often our instinct as humans is to Combat growling instead of understanding It and addressing the cause possibly a Dog being unsure rather than the symptom The dog growling for example if your dog Is growling to protect their food then Some counter conditioning exercises are In order rattling could be as harmless As a dog just announcing their location So that others in the household might Know where they are also growling is Really common during play like this see Now that growl just simply means hey I’m Having a good time this is fun at least I hope so anyway I’ve always thought It’s kind of strange how dogs like to Tug on a rope with you pulling on the Other end I don’t think I’ll ever Understand that one when we push our Dogs over the edge that growling really Has the potential to accelerate in the More serious behavior I love playing tug With a man our job when trying to reduce Unwanted growling is to keep them at Ease while slowly trying to make them More comfortable in whatever situation Is causing them to feel uneasy

In short growling can mean about a Thousand different things so it’s Important Understand context why do you think that Dogs pant well most of the time when Dogs are panting it’s because they’re Overheated and that’s their way to cool Off now dogs can’t sweat through their Skin like we do but they do sweat Through their paws are these paws sweaty Panting helps them circulate cool air Through their bodies to cool them down But panting doesn’t always mean your dog Is hot though your dog could also be Panting because they’re nervous or Uncomfortable or even excited pay Attention to context if you notice that Your dog is panting a lot especially if It’s cool and they haven’t been working For example you might notice increased Panting at the vet or the groomer or Other potentially stressful environments Consider what else might be causing your Dog to pant or act this way Understanding your dog’s subtle body Language in different situations is Really key to understanding them as a Whole How about licky I mean why do dogs lick Now of course we can’t presume to know What’s going on in any dog’s mind but if My personal experience and in the Experience of many others licking is Almost certainly a sign of affection can

You not feel the love and affection Coming from Piper right now your dog Might even be conditioned to lick you I Mean think about it sometimes when our Dogs lick us we tend to pet them back in Return but in no time that licking can Get out of control Dogs often lick to groom themselves kind Of like cats do but if your dog is Excessively licking themselves somewhere You may want to talk to your vet about a Possible allergy or other medical issue If your dog is licking surfaces Excessively they might have an upset Stomach I’m going to include a link in The description to a study that found That many dogs who do lick surfaces Excessively could have gastrointestinal Issues now if your dog is licking their Lips particularly excessively and in Specific situations that’s very often a Sign of increased anxiety so in those Cases you’d want to do your best to Really understand what it is that might Be making your dog feel anxious and Remember the best cure for almost all Types of anxiety is good old-fashioned Exercise sometimes a great approach to Reduce licking behavior is giving them Something else to do closely watch your Dog and give them a fun shoot or over Time you may be able to break the habit If you’re consistent do any of your dogs Eat grass have you ever wondered why

Dogs eat grass lots of dogs just like Eating grass especially when they’re Hungry what’s up with that it’s a really Common misconception that dogs eat grass Because they have an upset stomach there Been a couple really entry Stting studies on this topic to try and Get to the bottom of this behavior and None of them found any significant link Between grass eating and vomiting or Nutrient deficiencies in their diets in Fact it seems that grass eating is just Normal dog behavior you guys are so Weird why do you like to eat grass have You ever wondered why some dogs destroy Things well I’ll tell you this it’s not Out of spite Even though it might seem like it Property destruction is most often due To not controlling your dog’s Environment sufficiently giving them too Much freedom too early and just Generally not providing enough exercise And mental stimulation for them if your Dog is a puppy under a year or so Remember they’re still teething so a Chewing phase is basically inevitable as With any destructive behavior prevention Is key so in the meantime while you’re Teaching your dog what is and isn’t okay To cue make sure you do a great job of Controlling their environment when You’re not there to tend to them make Sure to give them tons of safe chew toys

Of different textures to keep them Satisfied what were your things does Your dog do tell me in the comments Below click thumbs up for Piper she’s Amazing isn’t she check out our new Chiefs pretty store we’ve got so many Different cool t-shirts over there and Set up automatic pet food delivery at Pet flow I’ll have a link in that Special discount code in the description And if you need extra help with training Your dog be sure to pick up a copy of my Book too Piper you did great today you’re so Awesome at tug now let’s see if you can Let go let go good job

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