You Won’t Believe My Dog’s NEW Trick!

You Won’t Believe My Dog’s NEW Trick!

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In today’s episode we’ll teach inertia a Couple of brand new tricks we’ll see how Trustworthy she is when I leave my lunch Out and walk away plus inertia has a Major life update for you guys too I’m Zack George I train dogs this is my new Dog and I’m gonna show you how I train Her from day one things definitely won’t Always go smoothly you can start from The beginning or you can pick up Anywhere subscribe and hit the bell Notifications so you never miss an Episode when you put into motion an Approach based on love and respect your Results will forever remain in motion This is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience When you’re training your dog you’re Asking so much of them mentally and Physically and you really want them at Their best I don’t think I could get the Results that I get with dogs unless I Kept them on a top notch diet and one of The best brands out there for nutrition Is solid gold solid gold foods are Different though because they have whole Superfoods living probiotics and omega 3 And 6 fatty acids these are wonderful Things for your dog’s digestive system And their gut health in addition to Feeding your dog of good food giving Them good supplements can also make them Healthier our dogs really love these C Meal supplements the first ingredient is

Seaweed we all know how healthy seaweed Is inertia loves these she gets Compliments on her coat all the time They have a whole line of awesome Products that will keep your dog healthy Including dry food wet food supplements And even human grade bone broth if you Have a picky eater this bone broth is Awesome I think we’re supposed to be Past the counter surfing stage right now To see the deal of the week go to solid Gold pet calm slash Zak solid gold pet Calm slash Zak that’s easy to remember Right I’ll put a link in the description Just in case these days I’m really Focused on proofing some more advanced House manners with inertia I put in a Lot of groundwork on this leading up to This point so now I think it’s time to Do an advanced test because I want her To start generalizing the behavior of Leaving food alone that isn’t Specifically hers you can see she’s Clearly interested in this plate of food That we’ve prepared I’m just gonna put It there and generally what I when she Does that I’ve been saying inertia leave It alone and she’s been really good well Unless the cameras running all right so I’m gonna do an experiment I’m gonna Walk out we’re gonna see how she does I’ve got a camera set up over here now My honest impression is that this is Like 50/50 but I’m really curious to get

This baseline so we’ll see how she does Okay I’m just gonna leave I guess Bri should come with me so we Can make this a true test and we’ll just Head on out here to the deck I have Faith in her I can’t even believe I said It was 50/50 she’s not even trying to Get that food so I’m just gonna peek at Her right there and that’s cool she Walked around the table she’s aware that It’s there then she sees we’re out here And she’s just coming so far she hasn’t Touched it so I think our training has Done pretty well so far this is good It’s one thing for her to do this well After a few seconds but let’s see if we Keep it out there for a little while if She will actually generalize not Stealing food off of plates oh inertia Leave that alone oh boy okay okay All right I got too cocky we give that Alone very good So all right that tells me I still need To spell it out a little bit more for Her see this leave it alone okay Practice again I’m gonna give her a few Minutes she’s just looking at me she’s Like why do you keep putting me in the Room with this I think it’s occurred to her that this Might be a test so overall I mean what Would you give her I would give her Maybe a b-minus I mean she licked it but She didn’t technically eat it but I’d

Like to have more confidence of not Moving forward so again we’re gonna Continue working on it she’s still not Perfect set up real-world tests like This with your dog often so that you can Really clearly communicate to them Exactly how you want them to behave boy She didn’t look the watermelon did she Since inertia has recently learned how To speak or bark what I ask her it’s Obviously time to teach her how to count Right basically my goal is to teach her How to bark multiple times in a row and Stop on cue inertia does really well With speak inside so we’re at the point Of training it outside but still at my House in order to really teach her how To do this everywhere remember when you Change your dog’s environment even if It’s just out on the back deck they may Be more likely to act Uncharacteristically so let me see at First how she’s doing on speak outside Get up and speak good yes I’m gonna Reward it she didn’t make a sound but She’s trying and that’s really all that Matters Speak yeah there you go okay nice so She’s getting she’s doing great let’s See if she doesn’t for just a hand Signal Yeah good she had to think about it but She got it there let me see that again Good perfect let’s see if she’ll do it

When I say speak without a hand signal Speak good nice let me just prove this a Little bit let me do it like this speak Good maybe turn my back to her speak yes Right that was good I didn’t know she Was doing quite that well so now let me See if I can get her to bark a couple of Times speak Yes good do you see how she brainstorm There she spoke once and then she was Like where’s my treat okay that didn’t Work he’s still looking at me maybe I Should try barking again this time I’m Gonna ask her to speak but I’m going to Maintain my position for example watch Speak yes you see that it’s two three Speak did you see that that was great I’m kind of getting to the next step Subtle twitch of my arm there made her Think oh wait something’s happening Maybe I’ll get a treat at which time I Promptly treated her in other words this Is the cue to stop barking so this is Speak yes I’m gonna go in there and Reward before she barks again cuz of Course if I held that position she’d Likely continue to bark so yes really Trying to get her to dial in to that Signal and when I pull away that that Means Hey the trick is over you see what I’m saying I like to have fun with this by turning It into a math problem So we’ll say two plus two what’s two

Plus two Yes very good so that was our first real Math problem but you know I’m still Being pretty obvious with the signal so Ultimately I want to be able to be like Hey what’s two plus two have her bark Four times and then just have some Subtle change in my body language We could try speak yes good see so that Simple turn can mean okay stop barking The real beauty of a trick like this is That it requires you to have subtle and Intricate communication with your dog And that’s likely to transition into so Many other aspects of your training that You don’t even realize that’s really Good lie down Stand sit sit pretty so pretty Speak there we go now I want this it’s Worth noting that when you teach your Dog to speak they do tend to bark a lot To try to get the treat just like they Do with all of their tricks so it’s Extra important with speak because it Can be obnoxious to only reward when you Ask for the behavior ignore all of the Other behaviors there’s a lot of Variations for example inertia is gonna Read my mind right now now this is the Number I’m gonna be thinking up okay I Don’t want her to see what number am I Thinking of Oh my gosh she’s totally psychic good Girl

Having a little delay there at the end Really sells it I think so I’m pretty Sure that you can convince all of your Friends that your dog is psychic you Could also do flashcards where the Answer is probably under 10 because it Can get old pretty quick when your dog Has to solve equations that equal 25 for Example but use your imagination have Fun with a trick like this hey if your Dog can speak show me on instagram tag @ Zack George bonus points if they can do Math or read your mind it’s true that I Do most of the primary training between Bri and I as you might expect It’s important that Bri be able to Communicate with inertia very well we Thought it might be a good idea for Bri To teach a nurse a brand new trick that I haven’t even attempted yet tell us the Trick you had in mind Okay the trick is tell me a secret it’s A cute trick yeah it’s cute let’s see Okay Zack doesn’t teach that many like Cute tricks so I’m gonna do it I look Just one of us has to it’s important I Have no clue what I’m doing yeah I just Here’s my thought I have these treats Okay I figured because I want her to put her Nose right here I would like I’ll just Show you let me push it okay inertia you Want to learn a trick pardon the Camerawork guys hey inertia do you want

To learn a new trick oh you do See she wants you guys can’t you tell Yes all right I’m gonna teach you a Trick okay so here’s what I want you to Do see this tree Yeah have you been working on this wait A minute let me see what you’re doing With the tree are you she doesn’t know What she’s doing yet I’m just holding it Like this so it’s a lure right okay so That’s it so she just nibbles on good And let her have it Got it okay do you have any advice for Me as the expert uh yeah I would say do That like two or three times in a row And then put a fake treat in there like Just make her think you have one then We’ll focus on phasing out the tree Wouldn’t think sure okay yes okay yeah Just like encourage her to hold that Position for a longer period of time by Just keeping the treat there so let’s Keep doing that okay how’s my marketers Am i marking her okay I think I guess You’re acknowledging when she’s Succeeding that’s the most important Thing yes good and every time she’s Saying yes it looks like she’s releasing Yeah the trees she’s like licking my Thumb right now adorable right that’s Good all right now don’t this time don’t Do a tree yeah no tree let’s try it Let’s but still keep your same hand Motion yeah yes good and there was no

Treat that time is there a tree yeah and This time the tree came from over here So do that and you know do that two or Three times yes Did that look good does it look Convincing yes so convincing yeah and so We want to have an emphasis on duration As well here so like really encouraging Her to hold it for a while yes good girl Can you tell she’s chewing on my fingers A little bit yeah maybe I need to phase Out the fingers now yeah exactly Ready yes because you did it for a short Period of time there yeah cuz that did No fingers right you changed a variable So you have to make it extra easy yes That was a good looking morning good job See you she’ll put her paws up and tell You a secret What’s this yes Yeah just wow good job yes can you tell Me a secret what a disaster oh you’re so Cute beautiful good job I think you’ll Need to continue working on it but That’s a really good first training Session that’s a good start right Yeah well inertia has a significant life Update as you might notice inertia is Wearing a diaper and that is because she Is well in heat for the very first time And I can say I don’t think there will Be many of these heat cycles with Inertia because we are planning on Spain One of the decisions that many people

Have to make when they get a new dog is When or whether to spay or neuter them At all there’s a lot of factors that go Into making this decision and there’s Still a lot we don’t know about it Bree And I made a detailed video on this Topic I’m gonna have a link to it in the Description come good job So it looked like she was about to bark There you know we’ve been dealing with Inertia occasionally still barking at Passers-by and I’ve been practicing Calling or and asking her to lie down I’m trying to be very consistent on that Rewarding most of the time but I decided Not to reward they’re just a side note Based on our research and lots of Conversations with lots of animal Medical professionals we’re gonna wait For inertia as growth plates to close at Around 18 to 24 months of age so we’re Just kind of monitoring that and at that Time we’re planning on spaying her so in The meantime there are a few things you Should know about how to care for your Dog when they’re in heat or estrus first You’re gonna have to be prepared for a Little sanitary care like we’re doing With this diaper next your dog might Have some behavioral changes I mean That’s gonna vary from dog to dog I Haven’t noticed a ton of different Behavioral changes in inertia finally You should know that female dogs and he

Can really attract dogs from very far Away you need to be extremely careful And never under any circumstance to Leave your dog unattended outdoors where Any dog could even come To having access to them you might think Dogs are just teleporting to your yard Because they are so determined and Somehow find a way in So that phase is gonna be happening soon We haven’t quite gotten there with Inertia yet but I am prepared we’ve been Using two different kinds of diapers These are the first kind because we Didn’t have any notice I suppose in Hindsight I should have ordered the Cloth diapers the other type that were Using now we noticed that inertia was Spotting a little bit so we ran up to The store to get these disposable ones They make them for dogs they even have a Hole here for their tail so now we’ve Been using these washable reusable ones To cut down on waste and they’ve been Doing great the first time I put a Diaper on inertia I went really slow and Was very cautious because it can be Alarming when you’re doing something new She wasn’t really caught too off-guard By it but it’s still something that You’ll want to go close because some Dogs will be I’m gonna pick up her tail You see how she gets a little sensitive There when you touch her tail that’s

Normal for a dog in he using treats is a Really good idea as well stay good girl Stay Yes see that trying to keep her in one Position rewarding her a lot there then I come over here you can see she’s just Very content she’s very used to it Good job good girl okay all done and Then I set her free and let her do her Thing Now a lot of you on Instagram have asked How we got her not to chew or destroy Her diaper once it was on and since I’ve Been really focusing on teaching her how To leave it with a variety of things in A multitude of different contexts Actually found this to be pretty easy I Mean I told her once or twice hey leave That alone and she kind of got to him Pretty quickly I mean that is the value Of being consistent because sometimes it Feels like are they ever going to get it But if you are just determined and Follow through and you’re ultra Consistent your dog can’t help but learn And understand whatever it is that You’re teaching them so all in all it’s Proving to be an interesting experience Go to solid gold pet calm slash Zack to See the solid gold deal of the week and Check out all of their awesome products Follow me on instagram and tik-tok for The most up-to-date info from inertia in Me

Subscribe to this channel and get my Book guide to a well-behaved dog for all Of my most detailed training advice in One place I’ll have all the links below In the next episode we’ll address it Nurses new habit of barking in our front Yard sometimes and we’ll see where she Is in her off leash training we’ll see You in the next episode

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